Application for the grant or amendment of a licence to transport compressed gas in a vehicle.
Application of the grant or amendmenor renewal or a licence to store compressed gas in vessel or vessels
Application for Grant of certificate of competency to a person for certifying storage installations or transport vehicles owned and operated by the organisation in which he is employed
Application for recognition as an inspector coming under the purview of static and mobile pressure vessels(unfired) Rules, 1981.
Requirement for recognition.
Application for manufacture of fabrication shop
Application of recognition as competent person under the static and mobile pressure vessels (unfired) Rules, 1981.
Application for the grant/amendment/renewal/transfer of a licence to Transport petroleum Class A/B in bulk on land for fuelling of aircraft, heavy vehicles/machineries and stationery equipment by a mechanically propelled vehicle, viz., Refueller
Application for the grant/amendment/renewal/transfer of licence to transport petroleum Class A and Class B in bulk on land by mechanically propelled vehicles.
Application for recognition as competent person under rules 126, 130 or Part of Forms VII and VIII.