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Roles & Responsibilities

With an overall objective of ensuring safety and security of public and property from fire and explosion, the Organisation as a statutory authority is entrusted with the administration of Explosives Act, 1884, Petroleum Act, 1934; Inflammable Substances Act, 1952 and the following Rules framed under these Acts

  • Explosives Rules, 2008
  • Gas Cylinder Rules, 2004
  • Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981
  • Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012
  • Notification No. GSR 625(E) dated 07.08.1983 regarding Acetylene Generation
  • Petroleum Rules, 2002
  • Calcium Carbide Rules, 1987
  • Cinematography Film Rules, 1948

The major work under Explosives Rules, 2008 relates to grant of approval, licences for manufacture of explosives, authorization of explosives, storage of explosives, import/export of explosives, transport of explosives by road and packaging for explosives etc. prescribing safe procedures and methods for manufacture of various types of explosives including the tools, equipments and machineries. The Organisation also carries out investigation of accidents involving explosives and destruction of unserviceable/seized explosives in the interest of public safety and security.

The Organisation carries out inspection and audit of the new premises for verification/endorsement at the time of grant of licences/approvals and also periodic inspections of the licensed/approved premises.

The Gas Cylinders Rules were first published in 1940 after Govt. of India Notification No. M-1272 (1), dated 28th September, 1938 declaring any gas when contained in any metal container in a compressed or liquefied state to be an explosive within the meaning of Explosives Act, 1884. The above rules were replaced by the Gas Cylinders Rules, 1981, after a comprehensive review in the light of the development of the gas industry after independence. Eighties & Nineties witnessed massive expansion in the gas and related industries triggered by economical liberalization and globalization, use of LPG as industrial and domestic fuel, introduction of CNG and LPG as environmental friendly automotive fuels, entry of new technologies, etc, which necessitating another round of review and bringing out the new Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004.

The major activities covered under these Rules include grant of approval of manufacturing units of cylinders, valves & LPG regulators and designs of these equipments; licensing of gas filling plants, CNG fueling stations, cylinders storage premises and import of cylinders/valves; grant of permission for filling of cylinders; recognition of cylinder testing stations etc. This Organisation also plays a crucial role in the formulation of standards for cylinders, valves, regulators, etc. The Organisation regularly undertakes safety audits of gas installations, filling plants, CNG fueling stations, cylinder, valve and regulator manufacturing units, etc. approved/licensed under the aforesaid Rules to ensure the compliance of the Rules and also to inculcate safety awareness.

Salient features of Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004 with respect to deregulation and simplification of Rules-

Enhancement of the scope of the Gas Cylinders Rules to cover special containers up to 2500 liters water capacity and composite cylinders made of non-metallic materials.

Enhancement of the exemption limit of possession of gas filled cylinders without licence and periods for which a licence can be granted and renewed.

Dispensing with the requirement of prior approval of specification and plans for setting up of filling plants, conversion of cylinders from one gas service to another & filling of cylinders between sunset and sunrise in respect of non-toxic non-flammable gases.

Simplification of the procedure for transfer of a licence in case of change of ownership or death of the licensee.

The functions of the Organisation relating to administration of these Rules covers grant of approval of fabrication shops of pressure vessels/fittings and their designs, licenses for storage of compressed gas installations and for transport of compressed gas in vessels by road, permission for import of vessels, grant of recognition of inspecting agencies/competent persons to carry out inspection and certification during manufacture/repair of vessels and final testing as well as periodic testing thereof.

The Organisation carries out inspection and audit of the new premises for verification/endorsement at the time of grant of licenses/approvals and also periodic inspections thereafter of the licensed/approved premises. The above functions also include review of safety audits, periodic tests inspection reports and performance of vessels, fabricators and certifying agencies.

Acetylene when liquid or subjected to pressure or in admixture with air or oxygen is highly explosives. The generation of acetylene and approval of generator is governed under this notification. The Organisation grants the approval of type of acetylene generator and of acetylene plant. Trial runs of the generator both at the manufactures place and at the factory where the generator is installed for evaluating its performance as well as determining efficiency of each generator at the time of endorsement of licenses is done by the Organisation besides routine inspections of D.A. cylinder filling plants in operation.

Petroleum has been defined under the Act and Rules as liquid hydrocarbon or a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons and any inflammable mixture containing liquid hydrocarbons. The work relating to administration of these Rules covers approval of Refineries, Petrochemicals/Oil/Gas Processing Plants, transport of petroleum by water, land and pipeline, Flameproof and other safety equipments for use in areas laden with flammable gases and licensing of storage installations, Tank trucks for transportation by road, aircraft refueller and also issuance of Certificate of Gas Free in respect of Vessels/Ships carrying petroleum for dock entry or man entry or hot work.

The Organisation carries out inspection of these premises to ensure compliance of Rules and safety measures.

Calcium Carbide has been declared as inflammable substance under the Inflammable Substances Act and the Petroleum Act has been made applicable to it. Calcium Carbide in contact with moisture generates acetylene gas which has wider range of explosives limits. Approval of receptacles for packing Calcium Carbide and licensing for storage of calcium carbide are the jobs entrusted to the Organisation under these rules.

Storage and transport of Cinematography Films having nitro-cellulose base pose potential mass fire hazard. The storage and transport of such films are governed under these Rules and licensing of storage premises is done by this Organisation. The Nitrocellulose based films are replaced by safety films (Polyester) since times. These rules have become redundant and recommended for its deletion.

With the expertise in specialized technical and safety aspects to prevent fire and explosions of Explosives, Petroleum, Calcium Carbide, Gas Cylinders, Pressure Vessels and other hazardous substances, the Organisation acts as a unique Advisory body not only to the industry but also to the Government and Semi-Government bodies within the ambit of Acts and Rules being adminstered by this Organisation.

The Chief Controller of Explosives is the member of the Central Crisis Group constituted by the Ministry of Environment and other officers also represent in the State level and District level Crisis Management Groups.

The Organisation takes leading roles in formulation and revision of standards for Bureau of Indian Standards, Oil Industry Safety Directorate, National Safety Council etc. related to manufacture, refining, processing, storage, transportation, handling, testing, quality specification of explosives, petroleum products, pipelines, gases, gas cylinders, safety fittings, special electric equipments.

The Organisation renders necessary guidance to RDSO in designing of explosives wagons as well as petroleum and LPG tank wagons.